So well to continue my history, ther I was inside all quiet, but one of the purposes of this time was to go outside. And so I I did. Not really big outings, but they were time outside as girl.
So first time, was like around 6 afternoon, plenty of sunlight, of course I didn't went outside alone, got two people going with me, since they also wanted to go to the near by store. So there we go, out on the street,walking around in the neighborhood.
Crossed a few people on the walk, this time I look to their faces, trying to see any reaction, but most of them were like emotionless faces. Ony person who like put attention to all 3 of us, was this man walking his dog, but I think was more because of the dog, than caring about us.
After a while we arrive to store. First like panic, since just a couple of hours I have gone to that same store to buy a bottle of water, on my way to Blush. But was no other option but to go in. Inside the store there was this guy and the same cashier as before.
So we go in, each going toward the fridge, buying their stuff, the guy just kept looking toward me, not buying anything, just standing there, quite creepy. Then time to pay for the purchases. Oh god, had to come face to face to the cashier. I look with as much attention as possible, trying to figure out if there was any sign of recognition (how paranoid I am, like if a cashier who saws the faces of hundreds of people a day would remember me, jejej) But no funny looks, no surprise eyes. All nervous I paid, and said thanks.
So back to place, I open my bag again, to take a photo of the outing, and then remembered, that on the airport they asked to remove batteries from camera (not sure why such things in Mexico, plus it is actually more risk the batteries going loose on backpack in cargo cointainer, than safely inside the camera, silly), so no pic there.
SEcond time out, was more into the night, the owners of Blush went to buy some bread, so I asked, "Can I go with you?" and they said "Ok", so there I went out at night, this time I knew camera got batteries, since already took the domino picture. Crossed very few people, and at night so not really like they got a good view of me. At bread store the ttedand could have saw me, and so did a lady who came inside, I think she smiled, not sure if courtesy or because I was looking funny.
And so the pic is from that second time outside. Not really like the big trips to the outside, but more longer than any other before. Plus this time I was a lot less nervous, so could look into other people faces, and enjoy it.
And so ends the recap from the little Jessica adventure.
Crazy and Stupid Jessica