Ok, so to continue with the weekend travel.
In the area there are this things called "cenotes", In the area there are lots of subterranean rivers, and those rivers surface at some points, that’s what is called a cenote.
Sometimes they are in the open, sometimes they are underground in a cave, sometimes they form like a well.
If one can get to the water area, is ok to swim in most of them. There is even people who dive into them to the underground river, and surface in another one near by.
They are a really impressive nature beauty.
Plus swimming in them is really great, water is cool, really still, fish swimming around.
The one in Ik-Kil has a great view from the middle of the water. The one in Samula is really cool, swimming between the rock formations.
But the one I enjoyed the most was X-Keken, It was completely alone when I arrived, I went swimming really calm, no sound except from the one made by water and the occasional bird song that came in from the outside.
The cave all around me, like if it was some kind of secret place, away from the world, like if for that time there was noting else but me and the water, like if problems didn't exist.
Anyway, moving on to the explaining of the photo
Top Left, the cenote of Ik-Kil from bottom, this is how the hole in the upper part looks from the down area.
Top Middle, the cenote of Samula, inside a big cave, quite impressive, really great for swimming, plus the stalactites create some cool rock formations.
Top Right, the sacred cenote of Chichen-Itza, in theory it was used to do sacrifices to the Gods, they throw jewelry, food and people in there.
Bottom Left, the cenote of X-Keken, this one is also in a cave, the hanging things are the roots of a tree in the surface, this one was also a great swimming place.
Bottom Middle, the cenote of Zaci, located in the town of Valladolid, is also quite big and lots of fishes in it. Not sure if swimming was allowed.
Bottom Right, The cenote of Ik-Kil, this one is the prettiest of the ones I visited, the hanging roots, the plants on the rock walls, the blue tone of the water. Great for swimming also.
So that's it, was a great weekend trip.
Big size image here