I noticed it’s been since February since I wrote about the past, In a way it is good, since that means, at the moment, the present as Jessica was more interesting (or so I think) than past tales.
But one of the points of writing this blog was to write how I went from the regular kid, to become Jessica (that sounds funny), so it’s time to get the memories back. If this is boring for you, then return tomorrow, when perhaps I post something different.
So last time, I talked you about
my first skirt, well with time I managed to get a couple of more items of girl clothing. A white blouse, my mom threw away since it had a stain, a pair of broke pantyhose, and a camisole. But first being old clothes I looked like a poor abandoned girl, and most of the time when left home alone, I just preferred to look for something else. So soon it became useless to have them.
Then came one of the “I’m not doing it anymore” phases. What caused? A girlfriend. In a way it felt completely wrong, to want to dress up, when I was going out with a girl. Since girls don’t date girls (that’s what I was thought, no longer my thinking) Plus the guilt feeling of doing something against what was normally accepted, or just being a freak. That was a troublesome decision. So for a few years, it disappeared completely.
What brought my femm side back?, opportunity, plain and simple I was again home alone, and that time the complete 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
What happened was that my family needed to move to another city, for Dad’s job. But I was at College/University by that time, so it was clear I could not move. So the decision was, I stayed at home, while I finished school. They weren’t selling the house anyway.
So there I was one day, looking for something among the boxes my family left at home. When in one of the boxes I found a knee length green skirt. And as I saw it, the thought just appeared in my head again “Wear it, its ok, just wear it”. And there I went, to put the skirt on. It felt so great, to do it again after a few years of denying it. My brain then went crazy, I ended opening as many boxes needed until I completed a girly outfit. I don’t even remember if I found what I was looking for, I’m pretty sure, I even stop looking for it. But I do remember the outfit. The green skirt, a light blue blouse, black panties, and a pair of flat shoes (the only ones left) I spent the rest of the day dressed like that. It felt so great that by the end of day, instead of returning the clothes to their boxes, I just hanged them with my regular boy ones.
And so the dressing game returned, but that time, there was no rushing, no being worried about my parents returning before time and seeing me. I was free in a way to dress up, as much as my free time allowed me. Maybe not as much, since I still had some issues with it, especially the feeling of doing something that was wrong and evil.
It will continue….
In the pic I look like angry, trust me I was not :)