Ok been long since I talked about a movie in the blog, and I think its time to bring that part of the blog back.
And since here in Mexico wednesday is the worst day to go to a movie theater, I will use wednesday to talk about movies I have seen, that are easy to rent.
So today I'll talk about a movie called "Dark City"
I'll try to give a little bit about what the movie is and why I like it without giving too much spoilers.
But even so, if you haven't seen i, and want to enjoy the mistrious atmosphere of the movie, better go see it first, without reading my post, then you can comeback and say if you like it :D

spoilers warning
Ok, the movie goes about a man who wakes up in a hotel room , where there is a dead girl, he lost all of his memories.
Suddenly he has to run around trying to scape from the cops that have him as primer suspect of a series of murders.
Trying to scape from a group of strangers, who try to do him something apparently nasty, and they don't even look human.
Trying to recover his memories, trying to find out if he indeed is the murder, trying to remember if that woman who claims to be his wife really is.
Trying to solve the mistery of this weird doctor who says he knows about him, and is apparently cooperating with the strangers.
And with that he would end up discovering the ugly dark secret that lies in the city, of the things that happens, of why of his memories confusion, and who the strangers are, and why is allways dark.
Hope I didn't gave enough details to ruin the plot, but enough to get the idea of the movie.
There are several things I like of the movie.
First the atmosphere, It is all dark, blacks, grays and browns. It gives you the feeling of something wrong just around the corner, lying inside the shadows.
Then its the buildings, all so look like industrial complexes, like so impersonal (which has lot to do with the movie), and also like so mixed out. I like the feeling of the cars and clothes that have that old look, like from a 50s gangster movie.
I found cute the little stranger, the one that looked like a kid, and at the points of where it put the evil face, it transformed so much.
And I liked the story, is entertaining, yet simple.
There are a couple of things in the movie that put me on to thinking.
First is the thing about the memories (the imprinting as it is called on the movie), do memories rule who we are? are we today the result of our memories? would a lost memory change who I am?? would a false memory change who I am?? Am I really the logical result of the sum of my memories??
If so what is it the memories than defined this Jessica? Are those memories the historical post I have written here?? If so then why that first memory if just told the first half, would look like something that would no be the starting point??
And if so, wouldn't it just be a consecuence of a previous memory, a memory I don't relate to Jessica? Then what was that first memory that was the defining point?
Memories, something to think about indeed
But better stop the question before the headache goes bigger.