1. What time is it: 20:26
2. Name: Jessica Sweet
3. Birthday? Biological, March 28th
4. Fall in love before?: Yes
5. and now?: Yes
6. What you like wearing? short skirts
7. Color of your underwear at the moment?: Blue
8. Ever get too drunk?: Yes
9. Love someone so much as to cryr?: Yes
10. Been in a car crash? Yes
11.Perfume? I like how the Flower by Kenso smells
12. Denim or formal wear?: Formal, I'm always elegant
13. Sprite or Seven up? Seven Up
14. Wine or Beer?: Wine
16. If you were a crayon what color you were? BLue
17. Flat or decorateds bed-sheets? Decorated
18. Pijama o nothing? Pijama
19. Favorite Food?: Same as Garfield, Lasagna
20. Place to be kissed? Lips, and behind the ear
21. Song you listening now? None, I have no music
22. Flower: Orchid
23. Talk subject you hate the most? Work
24. What you look on the opposite gender?: Eyes
25. You fancy someone? Yes
26. Favorite Movie: Silence of the lambs
27. Kisses or Hugs? Hugs
28. Last time in a hospital? To see someone, 7 years ago, me as patien 15 years ago
29. Color of your bedroom floor? White floor
30. How you called your sleeping Mascita?: Mascita?? whats that??
31. Where you see yourself in 15 years?: Sleeping
32. Whom you received this? From Andrea Lizeth
33. Friend ho lives the most far?Lilly in India
34. How much you like school? I dont go to, and didn't like it when, found it boring.
35. Are you bitter? Most of the time no
36. Who you think will answer this first? I need to decide who send it to first
37. Pets? Not anymore (sad face)
38. BEst Friend: My garfield toy
40. What would you change in your life? I would travel lots more
41. How many rings before answering the phone? Two at least
42. Weakness?: food
43. First thing you thing when wakeup in morning: "already is day??"
44. Storms, like them or scared: Like them
45. If you were able to be someone else, who you be? A genteically born Jessica who crosdresses as boy
46. Something you always wear? Nothing
47. You been depressed? Yes
48. Whats under your bed? some dissasembled boxes, and probably some scary monsters
49. Whats the car of your dreams? The volkswagen beetle (old one)
50. Something you want to say to the person who wrote the question? Look I am actually answering them :P
51. Hate someone? No
52. Who you like answers this? Everyone I send it to
53. What would you say to someone, but don't dare to? I love you
54. Favorite Colors : Purple, blue and black (altough black is no color)
55. Word you say the most: orales
56. Favorite Book?: Cien años de Soledad
57: Best of the world?: Me of course, then garfield and lasagna.
58. What you do when getting bored? Draw, write silly things, sleep.
59. How does your friends call you? Jessicrazy
60. Whats life for you? The thing before the ultimate thing, death
61. What shampoo you use? Now using 3 , citrus shine for curly hair, a pantene for shine, and another called tgel
62. Favorite Song? Mea Culpa by Enigma
63. Sadest thing in life? A time I broke with someone in a very bizarre way
64. You love someone at the moment? I think I do
65. Craziest person you know? --
66. What you look for in people fromt he opposite gender? Love
67. Are you afraid of something? yes
68. What you think of death? Its fascinating, me adores and wishes it
69. Have you fall in love of a friend? Yes
70. Time you need to get ready (clothes, makeup, etc)? If I know what to wear 45 minutes, otherwise, better bring a movie to wait.
71. Place you like the most to go: Some place in jungle of forest, with lots of trees, and the most far away from mankind as possible.
72. Favorite Magazine: Dibujarte
73. Would you give a passion kiss to the person who sent you this?? I choose to silence my answer
74. What you wish more for your life? Happyness
75. Season you like the most? spring
76. Place you go on vacation? Anywhere, but the places in my "to-go-before-dying list" are Egypt, a place in Europe, and China or Japan.
77. Would you go live in another country? Yes
78. Who never failed you? My family
79. Cold or hot weather? Cold, I want cold, I am tired of the hot weather of the island
80. SnailMail or email?: depends
81. Person you miss the most? My little sister
82. What puts you in good mood? Food
83. Favorite cartoon? Garfield
85. Would you give a passion kiss to the people you send the questions? I silence my answer
86. Favorite TV show? Garfield
88. World worst feeling? hate
89. World best feeling? Happyness
90. First name you choose?: Jessica
91. Your actual name, why you choose it? It has a relation with the other name.
92. Chocolate or vainilla?: Chocolate
93. One or two pillows? I sleep with 4 pillows
94. Sleep with stuffed toys? Yes
95. Favorite Number? 3
96. Favorite Toy? Garfield
97. What would you do if someone disrespects your significant other? Defend
98. Tell something to the person you love. I love you
99. Do you hace color bulbs? No, they dont sell them in the island
100. Have travelled dressed (as girl)? Not yet
101. What food you do not like? Nopales Babosos
102. Ever swam naked? Yes
103. Person who first greeted in your las birthday? A friend
104. nick on chat? Jessica
105: Like someone at school or work? No
106: name?: --
107: Why dont you tell that person? Everything at its time
108: Name of best friends? A lot
109: Impossible love? Myself
110: Shortest relation? 3 days
111: longest? 6 months
110: Time again? 20:47