Ok so now to the long chronicle of the dance night, you have been warned, its going to be really long.
So Saturday noon, I ready my bagpack, already have 3 outfits in it, wig, makeup stuff, and the silver shoes. I thought for a second to carry a second pair, but I knew if I did it, I would end up wearing the more comfortable ones, so to force myself to use the silver ones, I only took those with me.
So travel to Merida, get to hotel, get a room. Then see my backpack, send a few phone messages, and there I was.
Mm, it was around 6, too early to dress. So I had to decide what to do in the meantime. So I went outside. Do some little tourism, in boy mode.
THen passed by one store, mmm, perhaps I can get a few make-up supplies , so there I went, and bought a few ones, among them the new eye-shadows.
So, it was dark when out, so I went to hotel, showers and the whole routine.
Then to dress up, then the one hour long routine, at that point the girl that was going with me, called she has arrived.
She went to get some thing she need, and I finished doing my makeup, and the last touch to get the girly image.
Mmm, too early still, but too late to go out and back. So I took advantage of the internet at hotel room to wait.
At some point my friend called, one friend of her was there to give her a wig. WEnt there, say hi, back to my room, to wait my friend to get ready.
Later friend called, I had to help her do make-up, not easy with the long nails.
Finally ready to go out. Did the driving, being night, in a different city, in girl mode, I was nervous. So good I have so many times of practice before :D
Arrived to the disco place. Park and walk. Pay entrance fee, mmm , no photos inside, so sad. AS I already said, it was so great that entrance boy said "welcome Ladies"
It was crowded inside, the beaty contest already started, so had to see it standing.
There were 8 girls in the contest, Wow they look incredible, Some had such thin figures. Aww, me needs to diet. And they all so young.
Then a pause, a Cher impersonator, she left me speechless. Incredible looks.
Then girls came out to do another parade, then 3 finalist.
Then another show, 4 boys dancing in almost no clothes.
And then the girls came out, from the far away point I was sure the girl in white dress was to win, but it was the girl in pink dress, representing Izamal.
Later I saw both them closer, while dancing, the girl who won had such a pretty face, almost perfect and so feminine, wow. She did indeed deserve the winning.
Like maybe one third of the people in the disco dissapeared once the contest was over.
Quickly grab a chair, and sit to rest feet for just a little.
Then I stand up to dance, had to ask friend to go to middle area to dance with rest of people.
That as a start good idea, but as I kept dancing I got hotter, so had to move out and sit. Didn't want to loss makeup.
So sit down just under air conditioner, and that was great place to stay, dance under the cooler air, sit if got tired, easy to left bag there.
I danced and danced and danced, till they turned the lights on to say "we are closing, everybody out"
A few funny things happen inside.
At some point this guy kept looking at me. Before I got nervous, friend asked to move to some other point. Lcukily not see him anymore.
At that new place, I did change purse of side, So while putting arm inside blouse, I knocked two empty bottles in nearby table. This boy helped me pick them up, and shake my hand, like saying hello. Funny thing, a couple of times later during the night, he passed near where we were, and each time he extended his hand to say hello again. I dis respond grabbing his hand, but I found it funny.
Also later, a girl, looked at me and smiled to me. I didn't knew what to do. Plus she was inside a big group. Ah, I just simply got too scared.
So outside disco place. Back to car. Drive to hotel.
ASk friend to take a few pics, just to remember. And each one to their room
Go back to boy mode to sleep. And as I already said, next day do some tourism as boy.
Ok, that was it, another long, long chronicle, definitively doesn't show the emotion I had of doing it.
This weekend I had to stay here on the island, not going out anywhere.
Not sure If dressing, like it would feel so different to do it and kept myself locked inside the appartment, after several weekend letting Jessica go outside, feeling the air, having fun.
But then other weekend, will go to travel to another country, so no taking any girly things.
So probably, after this weekend, Jessica will take a little time to reappear.
But them maybe perhaps its better if I left her rest a little.
No halloween party this year.
Will see.
In the meantime.
Wishing you a happy weekend, a great Halloween, a great dead people day.
Bye, Kisses and Hugs
Confussed Jessica